Source code for pySpice.exhibitor.plotter

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb

[docs]def plot(filename): """ Top Level Encapsulation of the Plotting Utility This module takes input from the text output of the *format()* function. So this can be seen is extension to the program, used to visualize the analysis result. :param filename: a string of the filename of the text report :output: several windows, each has the plot for a single kind of analysis """ f = open(filename,'r') filelines = f.readlines() f.close() seperator = [] for i,line in enumerate(filelines): if line[0] == '*': seperator.append(i) analysis_num = len(seperator)/2 for i in range(analysis_num): analysis_plot(filelines[seperator[2*i]:seperator[2*i+1]]) raw_input('Press Any Character to Continue\n') plt.close()
[docs]def analysis_plot(section): """ Sub-Routine to *Plot()* Function, Plot the Graphs for a Single Kind of Analysis """ analysis_type = section[1] if analysis_type == 'OPERATING POINT\n': return fig = plt.figure(analysis_type) scanbar = section[3].split()[1:] for line in section[4:]: if line == '\n': continue else: data = line.split() name = data[0] sub = plt.subplot() #sub.set_xscale('log') sub.plot(scanbar,data[1:],'o-')